Privacy Policy

Last Updated: October 11, 2023

1. Introduction

At, we value the trust you place in us. We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy policy aims to inform you about how we collect, use, and safeguard your information. By accessing or using our service, you consent to the practices detailed in this policy.

2. Data Collection

Direct Information: When you register, we collect information like your username and email.

Usage Data: Through Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, we gather data related to your interactions with our website, which helps us improve user experience.

Content Data: Any user-submitted data like broken stream reports or feedback is stored to enhance our service.

3. Data Usage

Service Improvement: We analyze collected data to understand user behavior, enabling us to refine and improve our offerings.

Communication: Your email might be used to communicate service updates, changes in terms, or promotional offers.

4. Data Retention

We store user data until the user decides to delete or close their account. Upon taking such action, the respective data is promptly deleted from our servers.

5. Data Sharing

We maintain a strict "no share" policy, meaning your personal data, like email or username, will never be shared with third parties.

Third-party advertisers on our platform might collect their own data. It's essential to review their privacy policies for more information.

6. Cookies

We utilize Google Analytics, which may place cookies on your browser to collect anonymous traffic data. These cookies help us understand user behavior and refine our service.

7. Children’s Data

There is no age restriction to use our services. However, we do not knowingly collect or solicit data from minors. If you believe we have inadvertently collected such data, please contact us at the address provided below.

8. Data Protection Rights

In compliance with Canadian laws, users have the right to access, correct, or delete their data. Users can also delete their account at any time, which will result in the removal of their personal data from our servers.

9. Data Security

At, we are committed to safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of our users' information. We implement a variety of security measures to protect your data. Our website employs Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to ensure the secure transmission of any personal information you provide. Additionally, our servers and the website undergo daily security scans to detect and prevent potential threats. However, no online service is entirely secure, so while we strive to protect your data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Always be cautious when sharing personal information online.

10. Third-party Services

Our service integrates tools like Google Analytics. While we trust and use these tools, their privacy practices are separate. We recommend reviewing their policies if you have concerns.

11. Data Breach Procedures

In the unlikely event of a data breach, we're dedicated to acting swiftly. Affected users will be notified, and we'll take necessary measures to mitigate the breach's impact.

12. Changes to the Privacy Policy

As our service evolves, so might this policy. We pledge to inform our users of significant changes via the email associated with their account.

13. Contact Information

For queries, concerns, or feedback regarding this policy, please reach out to us at
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